Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Hello everyone!

Thank you all so much for stopping by to read my very first post of my very first blog, "The Little Things"! Woo! This is something I have wanted to do for quite some time, and a good friend of mine (who I hope will be joining the blog very soon!) gave me the last bit of encouragement that I needed to make everything fall into place. Plus It's 2013, so it seemed like the perfect time to go ahead with it!

I hope to be able to update the blog 4-5 times weekly. I will cover stuff like food, baking, fashion, beauty reviews and just life in general. I am trying to get it all set up to move into making videos (vlogs) soon as well, depending on how the site goes.

FYI: As I blog about life, I will keep all names of the people in the various stories anonymous, and I will take into account sensitive information that said folks may or may not want published on the internet. With that in mind, this will be a journal sorts, and an unfiltered recap of things going on, so if you don't want to read about yourself, don't give me anything worth writing about! (or, just don't read this blog!) If you find any issues with this, or anything I may write about in the future, please contact me privately.

Please keep in mind as you look around that this site is still a work in progress and will be changing bit, by bit until I can get it where I want it visually and organized where it makes sense.

For now, I just wanted to answer a quick "Favorites" Q&A that I found on Google! Enjoy! (this may be something I'll do once a month, since most of these answers change constantly for me)

Please leave any questions, comments, and/or concerns in the comment section below, or drop me a line at thelittlethings.cu@gmail.com

Film: The Princess Bride
TV Show: The Walking Dead
Color: Purple 
Song: Falling - Florence and The Machine
Restaurant: McAlister's Deli
Store: XXI
Book: The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
Magazine: Marie Claire
Holiday: Halloween


  1. Look forward to following you Jess! Love the favorite movie, as The Princess Bride has long been a favorite of mine too. (I think I have like 5 different formats/versions lol)

  2. Hello, Lady! Welcome! I'm a new Blogger as well, and I myself have been wanting to start one for quite sometime. I'll follow you and please feel free to follow me! jerascriptluv-pinklady.blogspot.com God Bless U & Happy Blogging!!!

    1. Hi Raven! Thanks for stopping by and leaving us a comment! It's great to meet you. We will certainly be following you. Do you have a facebook, instagram or other social media site you'd like us to connect to? We have a Facebook and would appreciate it if you could check it out and give us a like! We will be doing our first giveaway at 50 likes!

      Thanks again for stopping by,
      -Jessica and Marina

  3. Hi, I'm following U on IG - pinklady_ravenj. Is the name of your FB the same as this?

    1. Facebook.com/thelittlethingsblogs there is also a link on the right side of the page that should bring you right to it! Thanks ill follow you right back! Be sure to share the FB page and mention the giveaway! Thanks for the support girly, we appreciate it!

      -Jessica & Marina


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on our blog! It means a lot. If you have a blog, leave us the URL and we will check it out and probably even follow you! But please don't spam!