Friday, August 30, 2013

IFB Project #110: Fall Boots

Fall is my favorite time of year, and boots are my all time favorite things to wear. There is something about boots everywhere I go, that I feel compelled to buy them all. Unfortunately, my budget does not allow for such grand splurges, so I usually stalk my local Target and XXI, patiently waiting on the fall boots to fill the clearance racks, so that I can snag a few pair at a nice price and hang on to them for the next fall. 

But, that's not to say a girl can't dream right? So, I want to partake in my first ever IFB Project and present some of my fall boot lusts, musts and of course, some splurges!

Ankle Boots:

Wedge Boots:

Da Viccino Mona - $43.45

Tall Boots:

Equestrian Riding Boots - $39.80

Combat Boots:

Well, ladies and gents, that's a wrap! How do you all prepare for the fall? Do you like boots? If so, what's your favorite style? Ankle, Wedge, Tall, Combat? If you are a HeartIFB member, feel free to friend me so we can connect! 

If you leave a comment, make sure you leave your URL so I can stop by and say hello!

Thanks for reading!

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